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  • Accountability, Intro for Podcasters, Q&A Copilot

Accountability, Intro for Podcasters, Q&A Copilot

Good morning to all new and old readers! Here is your Wednesday edition of Capital Ideas, exploring four startup ideas and five success stories from the last week to help you find your next business or investment.

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Today’s edition:

> 1: Accountability-as-a-service
> 2: Intro.co for podcasters
> 3: Webinar Q&A Copilot
> 4: Global Communication Copilot
> Stories: Starbucks, Hormozi, John Rush


P.S. Send me feedback on how we can improve. I respond to every email.


1: Accountability-as-a-service

“People have all kinds of ambitions, goals, and plans, but consistently following through is the hard part. Some people are wired to make steady progress or have learned to do this well. But many people depend on external pressures and constraints, feedback, check-ins, and high stakes — financial, professional, or social — to spur them into action. All of these things provide accountability.”

Being accountable is being answerable for something and to someone.

Accountability-as-a-service is something people increasingly crave due to a myriad of factors, including:

  1. The rise of independent professionals (Solopreneurs, creators, freelancers)

  2. Increase in remote work structures

  3. Information abundance means that ‘action’ is the rate-limiting factor

And it can apply to all domains of life:

Popular examples of successful accountability-as-a-service products are:

The core features of the products typically include goal-setting, regular check-ins, reporting results, and a feedback loop. It can be 1:1, 1:many, or in a peer group.

Here are some prompts to isolate ideas for where the world (and you!) need an accountability-as-a-service product:

  • What are you currently not doing that you know you should be doing?

  • What are you currently doing that you want to do more of?

For me, there’s clear white space in these areas:

  • Meditation/yoga

  • Reading

  • Cooking

  • Fasting

If you want to be extra creative, you could partner with an existing Creator in one of these niches to accelerate and maintain steady customer acquisition.

If you’re interested in this space, reach out for a chat!

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